Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year.....I know I've been lazy!

It's been a very busy couple of months for me.  The kids started school back in September, then we had this AWFUL Super Storm Sandy in our area, that did damage everywhere in the Northeast....don't want to really talk about that now!  I just gave up and put my blog to rest, for a couple months.  But I still see my loyal friends who have been coming on and searching for recipes, and I thank you!
Photo: Pretty snow!
Christmas Snow!  It was beautiful!
Christmas came and it was wonderful.  It was a quiet couple of days with my family, but so enjoyable.  I did a lot of cookie baking, and made my first fruit cake, I know it, I should have shared the recipe, next year I promise.  We had my family and good friends over during the season, and yes I cooked up a storm like usual!  I would have it no other way.

My kids are doing so very well in school, I can't believe how fast they are growing up,  it's all so bittersweet for me.

Photo: My two crazy kids. I am so blessed. :)
My Kids Christmas!
Photo: My Hubby and Me
My Hubby and Me!
 So it's a new year, and I will try to post recipes, and little "things" about my life here in New Jersey.  I have to add, it was a Christmas Miracle, we actually got snow on Christmas Eve!  While driving home from church that evening, it started snowing, and if you have read my past posts, then you will know that I was THRILLED!  Then the day after Christmas we got more snow!  Then the Saturday after Christmas, yes we got more snow.  It was a wonderful Season. 


  1. Nice that you're back. Join us on Friday!

  2. Glad to find your blog and to see you back in action. New Yorker here. I wasn't personally affected by Sandy too badly, but I know many who were. I love to cook and find new recipes. I'll be back for sure! Happy blogging! :)
