Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ice Cream Pie......

I love Ice Cream Cake, but it can be very expensive!  So years ago I started making my own Ice Cream Cake, and it was a hit!  On Father's Day, I wanted to make my hubby an Ice Cream Cake, but a smaller one since it would be just the four of us, so I made an Ice Cream Pie, and did it ever come out GREAT!  Here's the recipe.

Ice Cream Pie

1 Gallon of your favorite Ice Cream (I used Cookies & Cream)
About 3 TBS Chocolate Syrup
1 Cup of chocolate cookies crushed (I used Chocolate Animal Crackers)
1 8 oz container Cool Whip
1 Box Brownie Mix

Cool Whip, Ice Cream, Crushed Cookies and Chocolate Syrup....forgot the Sprinkles and Brownie Mix!

Mix up the Brownie Mix, and pour half of the mixture into a pie plate, and bake in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes. Use the other half for a small tray of Brownies!

Baked Brownie Bottom!

Take out of the oven and let cool.

Meanwhile take the ice cream out of the freezer and let it stand at room temp for 1/2 hour until soft.

To really get the ice cream soft, put it in a mixing bowl and whip it good with the mixer for 1 minute or so.

softened it!

 It should be pourable now, lay it on top of the cooled brownie. 
Ice Cream all smoothed out!

Swirl the chocolate syrup onto of the ice cream, and add the cookie crumbs and get it immediately into the FREEZER for 2 hours!

chocolate syrup

cookie crumbs!

After the 2 hours it should be nice and hard, top it off with the Cool Whip, making nice swirls for decoration.  Sprinkle the sprinkles all around, and put it back into the FREEZER for another 2 hours.

Cool Whip
 I always make this the day before, it's delicious and everyone LOVES IT!  Enjoy!

The Kids!


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