Monday, June 25, 2012

My Recipe for the Best London Broil.......I Promise it's SO YUMMO!

I hope you all are enjoying the start of Summer.  The kids have been out of school now going on two weeks, and so far, so good.  We have been relaxing by the pool, having friends over, and doing some gardening.  My veggie garden is doing so well, no zucchini growing yet, last year we had NO Zucchini, they all died, one after the other, it was very sad.  So this year I am "stressing out" about my Zucchini, I know I care for my veggies too much.  Had to spray them last night, let's hope the bugs stay away, I have so many delicious recipes for Zucchini!

My Veggie Garden and Chicken Coop in the back!

London Broil, do you like it?  At first I never did.  It's always on sale, and when it is, I can get a nice size London Broil for about $7.00, and it would feed our family fabulously.  But it never came out good.  I would always marinate it in whatever kind of marinade, and they just wouldn't do the trick.  So, years ago, I called my Mom and asked her "what's that marinade you always used for steak when we were kids?"  And sure enough I started using "Mom's Marinade" on my London Broil, and the steak came out tender, and so delicious.

I marinate the London Broil for ONE whole day. YES 24 HOURS!!!  You need to marinate it LONG, it tenderizes the meat.  London Broil is a tough meat, but all so delicious when done right.  It also needs to sear on the grill first, then cook it until YOU like it.  I like mine a little pink in the middle, but not BLOODY........GROSS!  Take it off the grill and let it SIT COVERED for 10 minutes, and then SLICE IT across the GRAIN!  So easy, so delicious, trust m

I use this marinade for grilled Pork Chops, another post, and grilled Boneless Chicken Breasts.  My little boy loves this marinade so much, I give him a little bowl of the "juice" after slicing up the meat, there is so much goodness after slicing up the meat, pour it all over the meat, it's so good!  Try this recipe you will love it!

Mom's Marinade for London Broil

1 London Broil about 2 lbs
Worcestershire Sauce
Seasoned Salt

Two Ingredients!

Put the London Broil in a 9x13 casserole dish.  Sprinkle a nice amount of the Seasoned Salt over it, about 1 TBS, turn it over, and sprinkle again on the other side.  Shake a nice size amount of the Worcestershire Sauce, about 2 TBS, over the Seasoned Salt, turn the meat over and shake about 2 more TBS over it again.  Cover with plastic wrap, and put in the frig and marinate for 24 hours, ok so if you don't plan it out, do it in the morning, that will give you like 8 hours or so :)

All Marinaded Ready for the Grill!

Take out and start grilling, sear it for 5 minutes on High,  turn over and sear other side for 5 mins. Flip over and lower heat until you think it's perfectly cooked for your liking.  I like mine a little pink inside, so it should take about 15 more minutes or so, it all depends on the size and thickness of the meat.  A good way to test if it's done is touching the meat, if it feels soft and mushy, it's still pretty raw, if it feels a little firm then it's medium, if its firm then it's well-done....if it's hard as a rock, you overcooked it!

Take off the grill and let sit on a plate covered for 10 minutes so all the juices stay in the meat.  Slice against the grain, into VERY THIN SLICES, on an ANGLE, a sharp knife will help......There will be a puddle of "juices" from the resting meat, pour it over the meat, so delicious!  Enjoy!

Slicing Very Thin Against the Grain! 

All ready to EAT!  London Broil, Fried Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Wedge Salad! 

Note: Discard any leftover marinade from the raw meat.  Or do what we do, pour it all over the meat when you first put the meat on the grill.

1 comment:

  1. It was good on 7/4. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back next week with another great recipe!
