Monday, March 2, 2009

March came in like a lion......

Well it's been some week for me. With being sick all last week, and my son Davey being sick with yet another ear infection, you would think all would be well here in our home. This morning I woke up with a urinary track infection! Yes, oh the pain! Have you ever had one? They are so painful. It's snowing here in New Jersey, and yes, another snow day, which is fine. But I needed to get to the doctor right away. So, I called hoping and praying they would be in, and yes, thank God the doctor was in, and I got my appointment for 9:30am. My hubby had to drive me since the roads were just awful. We live off an old country road, and the snowplow hardly ever comes down that road, and it's just not very easy to drive on a snowy day. So, I get my med's and come home, feeling really awful. But I know all will be well cause the med's will kick in soon....and they are, thank GOD!!!!

Davey has been sick with one ear infection after the other for his whole little life. He had the tubes put in when he was only 15 months old, and that really made a big difference. He has been ear infection free for a very long time. But, of course, the tubes fell out, and now he's getting those ear infections yet again. I feel for him, because they are very painful. So this past weekend we took Davey to the doctor for his fever and cold, and yes another ear infection. The doctor told us that we should bring him back to the specialist, and he'll probably need another surgery...oh joy!

Back when Davey had the first surgery, just knowing that my little baby boy would be going in under the knife scared the life out of me. I ended up in hospital 2 days before....with a migraine and dehydration! I do believe it was from worry about my little baby going into the hospital, being put under anesthesia, and all that goes with surgery. So what will happen this time? Seems like Davey's little 5 years of life have been one thing after the other. He's a wonderful little boy, and brings such great joy to my life......and a lot of worry I must add.

But I know all will be well with Davey, the Lord will guard his little life, like He has in the past. I will keep you all updated about the new tubes in his little ears. Who knows, a miracle can happen and he may not even need them.

Enjoy the snow, it will be around for a while with this cold weather here in the Northeast. March came in like a lion, I'm sure it will leave like a lamb. I will miss winter, oh how I enjoyed the coziness of the winter this year. Before we know it, we will all be outside working in our yards, getting ready for Summer. Did I say Summer? Yes I did!


Lois Christensen said...

Yes, before you know it you'll be lying in your pool, drinking something fun...oh, sorry, we don't do that, now do we?? Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon!

Lois Christensen said...

I really like the graphics you've been using. Stop by tomorrow for another one!!!

Liz said...

Just call me copycat!

Debbie said...

Drink a lot of water and cranberry juice. I feel for you! I am so ready for spring and then summer by the pool!!!! Sick of being sick!

Jen said...

So sorry you've been hit hard with the sickies this year! We have too - seems we barely have had a week off - I've been cracking the windows even in this frigid weather - but I don't think its helping any. What are you going to do? I think some of us families are just sick more often I guess.

Hope you all get better QUICKLY :)

the voice of melody said...

Hoping you're feeling much better soon. :)

A Hint of Home said...

Sorry you've had this run of sickness. I hope everyone is on the mend soon.