Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Dead Mouse!!

Hi everyone - what a beautiful day it is outside....just wish I could get out there to start cleaning up the yard. Before long, the leaves will be back on the trees, and I'll be doing all the plantings, getting the flower gardens all dressed up for Summer!!!!

I was in the house cleaning today, I usually clean the whole house on Thursday mornings when Davey is in preschool. I was vacuuming the stairs, and then the entrance way. I took the area rug outside to shake it, and really get it dust free....then when I went back into the house, right there where the area rug belongs was a DEAD FLATTENED LIKE A PANCAKE MOUSE!!!! I guess it must have been there for a while - since I don't always shake out that rug. That's where our big dog Perdie lays and sleeps so I guess she must have squished it - poor little mouse! I can't tell you how many DEAD mice we find in this house. We've been living here now for 8 years, and we just can't seem to get rid of them. But thank God for our cat Pongo, he catches them, and usually leaves them dead for me to find....yes me, no one else finds them but me. Pongo usually leaves them downstairs by the foot of the stairs, and when I go down in the morning, there it is, a dead mouse. I usually have a feeling that there's a mouse in the house when Pongo doesn't come to bed with me at night - he always sleeps with me. We haven't found one in a very long time, so it was time, I guess. Last November I went away with my sister to a women's convention. My hubby took care of the kids - all went fine, so I thought. I came home all refreshed, happy to be home. So I walked in the door, took my shoes off, and there it was a dead mouse right in our family room! My hubby was there, and I said "why is a dead mouse next to my shoes?" My hubby didn't even know it was there! Then I hear Rebecca from upstairs yell, "another one?!!" Another one? Give me a break...yes they found a dead mouse in the kitchen under the stools - but not first thing in the morning, they finally notice it at lunchtime! Yep it was there all morning, and no one even noticed it! I know, gross - disgusting, but you have to believe me, my house is clean, tidy, I vacuum everyday......

Last year we hardly had any mice.....I guess it was because we had this family of garden snakes living in our garden, right by the front door. But last summer my hubby took the snake family "out" - won't tell you how...use your imagination! I think it was a bad idea, wish those nice friendly snakes were back now - I think they were really enjoying the mice. At least my cat Pongo doesn't do what my former cat Felix (he was black and white - get it, Felix the cat - he died 6 years ago) use too. Well in our previous house some 13 years ago, he caught a mouse and brought it to me in bed one night! To top that off, it was actually my birthday! He was bringing me a was awful, I screamed, and the mouse wasn't dead, so Felix let it go, and the mouse went running.... I had to get out of bed and catch it - I did - I'm very proud to say.....actually I am a good mice catcher.....I have caught many a mouse in this house - but now thanks to Pongo the real mouse killer, I don't have to anymore! It's funny this only happens when my hubby isn't home and at work.....I don't think my hubby has ever caught a mouse like I have........

Ok enough about mice - enjoy this beautiful day...hopefully no more mice stories in the future.


The Crazy Bus said...

you are a mouse magnet, baby! at least you don't have MY problem......camel crickets! Oh, for the love of all that's good, can someone PLEASE erradicate these from the earth!!!!

Liz said...

Danielle - what on earth are camel crickets? I'm sure we have them too here!!! Big, fat things, sometimes in our basement. Find a pic and put it on your blog! HA! Liz