Monday, January 5, 2009

Those DARN Pre-teen/Teen YEARS!!!

Yes, it's me again. Today I'm venting!!!
Our daughter Becca is 12 years old. But like I have shared already in a previous post, she is 12 going on 25! What happens to our little girls when they turn 12? Becca's attitude is all over the place. One day she's wonderful, and happy. The next she's grumpy, and Mom's knows nothing! Honestly, I'm sick of it! I want my little 6 year old back. I know, I know, be happy with what I got. I am happy, but exhausted from the constant attitude from my little Becca girl.
I feel so stressed sometimes. I have to remind her about everything, and when she forgets, and just doesn't "feel" like doing a chore, and leaves it all, what do I do, ask her again to do the chore or just let it go, to help keep "peace" in our family. Becca went roller skating with her friends this past Saturday. She was gone all day long. What a wonderful day it was with her gone all day long, no complaining, no arguing! Is that wrong to say? I missed her, and thought about her all day long, but the car, house and everything we did was so PEACEFUL!!!!
I'm a praying Mom, so I will just continue doing what I know best.....PRAY, and continue to be consistent with Becca. I will continue to talk to her, even if she doesn't want to hear me. I will continue to "guide" her, check her text messages, go through her room (without her knowing it :)even though he hates me for it. Just some venting today. By the little boy is sick. Fever, cough, you name it. Is it because he had a flu shot two weeks ago? I didn't want him to get one, but it's MANDATORY now for all preschoolers in NJ!!! He's going to the doctor today. Later my friends..................


Anonymous said...

Hi. I have a six year old daughter and there are days I feel just the way you described. If I've got it like this at 6, what's it going to be like at 12? I shudder to think about it.
Sometimes the only thing I can do, when I feel so desperately hopeless is to remind myself that the best thing I can do for my daughters is to love them regardless.
Good luck!
You have a beautiful daughter, by the way.

Lois Christensen said...

Hormones...all I can think of. Anyway, just do your best to try and ignore the attitudes. It will get better. Being a mom to a teenage girl is never too much fun, but try to think of something day she will have a teenager daughter of her own to deal with and you can sit back and just enjoy the payback. Let me know when you want to change your background.

Jen said...

That sweet little girl? She looks too cute to give you such a hard time ;)

Happy New Year!

Busy Mom in CA said...

Hi Liz. It will get better. All you can do is love on her. If she disrespects you, then I would discipline her (take away a privilege). If it's her just being a "preteen" I would just let it go. I'm reading one of Dr. Dobson's books and there's a whole section on dealing with preteens/teens. I'll lend it to you when I'm done. Hope to see you in Bible Study next week. Tell Davey to get well soon!

Laurie said...

You are scareing me-- my daughter just turned nine. I don't think I can handle adolecents and peri-menapouse at the same time!

The Crazy Bus said...

Hey there! I don't have any girls, but I am still dreading the preteen years. Poor Davey. I hate when they get sick! They are so helpless. Kev spiked a fever just last night 103! I am keeping him home today(tues). He hasn't had his flu shot yet.( but the school called yesterday to remind me about it. ugh!)

A House FULL of Grace said...

Hey Liz, hope Davey is feeling better today.

I'm obviously not there yet, so I have absolutely no experience on the Becca stuff, but one thing I hear over and over from friends of "adolescents" is that you are still the parent and it's not your job to be her best friend. God gave you to Becca as her authority, if she doesn't like it, she can take it up with the Lord who gave you to her!

Debbie said...

I have a daughter that is 12 also. We had a fuss tonight. Kacey is such a loving child and I am sure your Becca is too. I just think that this is the time all of their hormones kick in. They are not little anymore but they are also not old enough to really do anything. My oldest is 17 and if this is any help she is finally really nice to be around. Something happened between 16 and 17. It was like she became a young woman and got back some of her common sense. If we can just make it through the next five years...Haha!!! As I pray for Kacey I will be praying for you and Becca.

the voice of melody said...

I don't have a daughter so I'm afraid I have no advice for you. None other than to continue praying and seeking God's guidance in all you do.

I hope things will settle down and you'll soon be over this difficult period. Hang in there!